Explore the intersection of business and law with Paradigm Shift Podcast host Christina Martini.
By changing yourself, you can change your business!

Christina Martini
Meet The Host
For nearly 25 years, Christina (Tina) Martini has been a practicing intellectual property attorney in BigLaw.
Tina is a partner at McDermott Will & Emery, and she focuses her practice on domestic and international trademark and copyright law, as well as domain name, Internet, social media, advertising, unfair competition and entertainment law...
Recent Episodes
117 Communication and Connection- An Interview with Kass Thomas – Part 2 of a Two-Part Interview
In this episode, Christina Martini and Kass Thomas discuss:Kass’s newest book, Dancing with Riches. Finding joy and happiness in our lives. Generosity of spirit for yourself and others. Being present in all things and all places. Key Takeaways:You do not have to do anything specific to achieve joy and happiness. It is about being yourself. Recognize and acknowledge what it…
116 Communication and Connection – An Interview with Kass Thomas Part 1 of a Two-Part Interview
In this episode, Christina Martini and Kass Thomas discuss: How Kass’s background has affected her personal and professional lives. Access Consciousness to know that you know. Kass’s Seven Steps to Flawless Communication (her book has been translated into 20 languages). Authenticity, genuineness, and vulnerability. Key Takeaways: Be aware of what people are willing to…
"What I love best about Paradigm Shift is the perspective Tina takes while providing her message. Business and Law does not change as quickly as our perspective of these two vast subjects, and that is precisely why tuning in to Tina hosting this show is so important. A fresh, new look at the way we look at the intersection of business and the legal system."
Doug Sandler
Co-host of The Nice Guys on Business Podcast and CEO of Turnkey Podcast
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